-“Linda” is a rural community in the Lusaka province of Zambia. The Linda community has a population of 35,000, of which the majority isn’t formally employed. Additionally, the community is behind on the development of basic infrastructure, such as roads and accessible energy sources. With the re-emergence of load –shedding in Zambia, there is a lack of continuous and reliable energy. Sad to say is that the Linda community is also behind in other areas of development such as education, healthcare and housing.
The successful collaboration between the Dutch and Zambian Departments of Habitat for Humanity and WakaWaka however has lit up the Linda Community in Lusaka province! A first distribution of 504 WakaWaka Powers+ in April 2016 was met with so much enthusiasm by both Habitat for Humanity Zambia and the Linda community that forces were combined again to make a second distribution round possible, which took place in May and July of this year. What makes this donation stand out is that besides donating 250 WakaWaka Powers, the donation also included 100 WakaWaka Base10 and 135 Pocket Lights, a pilot providing both Habitat for Humanity and WakaWaka itself with key information on the response to these means of sharing light and power.
The WakaWakas were successfully distributed to a wide array of beneficiaries within the community and was received with a lot of enthusiasm and anticipation, as was made clear by the large, energetic turn-up during distributions and demonstrations. Community members were clearly very keen on obtaining a WakaWaka and joining the group of beneficiaries using alternative energy and lighting solutions.