St. Matthews

The Vil­lage of St. Mat­thew’s anxiously awaited the Grid Earth Pro­ject dis­tri­bu­tion of Waka Waka sol­ar powered lights from the Grid Earth Pro­ject, to re­place the tox­ic and dan­ger­ous ker­osene lamps cur­rently be­ing used.
Grid Earth Pro­ject vo­lun­teer Audrey Co­chran and Vil­lage Chair­man Efrain Par­is in­tro­duce the vil­la­gers to their new lights, dis­cuss the fea­tures, and sus­tain­ab­il­ity; ways to util­ized the sav­ings now that ker­osene will no longer be needed to light their homes.
The moth­ers are so pleased to now have safe light for their chil­dren to com­plete their school home­work as­sign­ments. Par­ents are mak­ing sac­ri­fices to keep their chil­dren in school, but it is nearly im­possible to keep up with their stud­ies us­ing candles and ker­osene lamps. Between the tox­ic fumes, burn­ing eyes, the heat from the flame – stu­dents are rarely able to com­plete all of their work. This will no longer be a prob­lem for this young wo­man.