WakaWakas for Syrian Refugees

An es­tim­ated 9 mil­li­on Syr­i­ans have fled their homes since the out­break of the civil war in March 2011, tak­ing refuge in neigh­bour­ing coun­tries or with­in Syr­ia it­self.

WakaWaka’s sol­ar powered devices provide im­me­di­ate as­sist­ance as well as long-term re­lief. These en­able more than an es­tim­ated 360 000 Syr­i­an refugees to safely see in the dark, move about, study, cook, read and gath­er after dark­ness, without the risk of tent fires due to the use of ker­osene lights. An­oth­er very im­port­ant be­ne­fit from the WakaWaka power, is that it al­lows them to charge their phones so they can stay con­nec­ted with fam­ily mem­bers and loved ones.

Note: the im­pact loc­a­tion on the map is the point from where the WakaWaka devices were dis­trib­uted in­to camps, vil­lages and re­mote areas.