Virtual Grid

The Vir­tu­al Grid com­bines pre­paid tech­no­logy with the WakaWaka Power: after a one-time de­pos­it on the WakaWaka Power, weekly scratch cards are bought to ac­tiv­ate the unit. The code on the scratch card, along with a unique code from the WakaWaka Power, is sent by text to a free loc­al ser­vice num­ber. A text is in­stantly re­turned con­tain­ing an ac­tiv­a­tion code for the unit.

The re­l­at­ively large pi­lot will test both the tech­no­logy and up­take of this ser­vice by ap­proach­ing 9000 house­holds in three dis­tricts, and rep­res­ents a total in­vest­ment of $2.1 mil­li­on USD.

Read more about the Vir­tu­al Grid here: ht­tp://­tu­al-grid/