Tari hospital

Pap­ua New guinea is a coun­try with a very high pre­val­ence of vi­ol­ence. Doc­tors without bor­ders is sup­port­ing the Min­istry of Health and is run­ning a sur­gic­al pro­gram in the Tari hos­pit­al. Be­sides that, a fam­ily sup­port cen­ter was opened where vic­tims of fam­ily and sexu­al vi­ol­ence are treated. The WakaWa­kas have been dis­trib­uted to the na­tion­al staff of the fam­ily sup­port centre. Most na­tion­al staff live in very re­mote areas where they don’t have ac­cess to elec­tri­city. Be­sides that they do have mo­bile phones, but no place to charge them.