Rapid Disaster Response

When a nat­ur­al dis­aster strikes, the In­ter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee has to act quickly. You can give your WakaWaka to our Rap­id Re­sponse Stock, this way we’ll be able to use your WakaWaka im­me­di­ately in an emer­gency. WakaWaka has worked with the IRC in the af­ter­math of the de­struct­ive typhoon Haiy­an in the Phil­lipines. Coun­tries on our Emer­gency Watch­list cur­rently in­clude Ye­men, Libya, Bur­undi, South Su­dan and Pakistan. WakaWaka lights al­low up­rooted fam­il­ies to safely go about their nightly activ­it­ies without risk of (sexu­al) vi­ol­ence and per­form ba­sic house­hold tasks.