Post-Ebola reconstruction

In Liber­ia, pe­o­p­le are dy­ing be­cau­se of Ebo­la, whi­le hos­pi­tals ei­ther re­fu­se to ta­ke pa­tients or ha­ve shut down as the nur­ses and doc­tors ha­ve died. The he­alth ser­vi­ce has com­ple­te­ly bro­ken down and pe­o­p­le are lar­ge­ly left to ma­na­ge on their own with litt­le know­led­ge and few means. In coo­p­e­ra­ti­on with Deut­sche Ge­sell­schaft für In­ter­na­ti­o­na­le Zu­sam­me­n­ar­beit (GIZ), Wa­kaWa­kas ha­ve been dis­tri­bu­ted to lo­cal Ebo­la he­alth teams, tre­at­ment cli­nics and iso­la­ti­on cen­tres that ha­ve no ac­cess to elec­tri­ci­ty. This helps he­alth teams to tre­at Ebo­la vic­tims af­ter sun­set and al­lows ci­ti­zens to bet­ter pro­tect them­sel­ves from get­ting in­fec­ted.
Af­ter the Ebo­la cri­sis has been con­tai­ned, the Wa­kaWa­kas will still be use­ful. It con­tri­bu­tes to so­cio-eco­no­mic de­vel­op­ment and is a clean, sa­fe and sus­tai­na­ble al­ter­na­ti­ve for the tox­ic ke­r­o­se­ne lights.