
Pen­duka trains and edu­cates wo­men with lim­ited op­por­tun­it­ies to cre­ate new chances for in­come gen­er­a­tion through needle work and em­broid­ery products, such as em­broidered and quilted bed­room fur­nish­ings, table lin­en, ruck­sacks, bags and wall-hangings as well as a num­ber of unique fab­ric designs. There is also a wide se­lec­tion of oth­er craft items such as hand woven bas­kets, wooden carvings, dishes and trays. Be­fore the ar­rival of WakaWaka Lights, the wo­men used the light on their mo­bile phone to com­plete their nee­dle­work in the even­ings.