Nepal Light

The Samay found­a­tion works on pro­jects that aim to erad­ic­ate poverty and stim­u­late sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment. In Nepal, the Samay Found­a­tion set up a pi­lot pro­ject and dis­trib­uted sev­er­al WakaWa­kas to loc­al com­munit­ies. 66% of rur­al Nepal does not have ac­cess to elec­tri­city which is even more in­creased by the earth­quake. The WakaWa­kas en­able people to see in the dark, en­ables chil­dren to study after sun­set and in­creases pro­ductiv­ity. When this pro­ject is suc­ces­ful, the pro­ject will be scaled up to oth­er Nepalese com­munit­ies.