Nepal Earthquake Aid

On april 25th a massive 7.8 earth­quake hit cent­ral Nepal. Thou­sands are be­lieved dead, the de­struc­tion is enorm­ous. Loc­al NGO’s have sent WakaWa­kas ur­gent pleas for help be­cause large parts of the coun­try have been plunged in­to dark­ness. We need to get as many WakaWa­kas on the ground as soon as pos­sible to keep fam­il­ies safe at night and to aid the res­cue ef­forts. Nepal is already suf­fer­ing every­day be­cause of the rampant en­ergy poverty; over 70% of the coun­try does not have ac­cess to elec­tri­city. WakaWa­kas will have a last­ing im­pact on the lives of Nepali fam­il­ies.