Lwengo district Be More

The Lwengo re­gion in Uganda suf­fers from many ac­ci­dents as a res­ult from ac­ci­dents with oil and ker­osene lamps. Theo, a vo­lun­teer of Sticht­ing Be-More (a Dutch found­a­tion) has been act­ive in the Lwengo re­gion for more than 2 years. He has seen the hor­rible res­ults of oil ac­ci­dents: “last year I have or­gan­ised the med­ic­al care for a 11-months old baby who suffered from severe burns, this year we have provided ma­ter­i­al aid for a young fam­ily whom lost all of their pos­ses­sions due to a fire.