Khaya Centre

To­geth­er with Jen­rick, we were able to dis­trib­ute WakaWa­kas to sev­er­al pro­jects in Jo­han­nes­burg, South Africa. For the WakaWaka dis­tri­bu­tion Jen­rick de­cided to sup­port two NGO’s in Soweto: Khaya Cen­ter and PUSH. Both or­gan­iz­a­tions act as a day care centre, which provides chil­dren with ba­sic needs and psy­cho-so­cial sup­port ht­tps://www.face­­a­centre.moun­tolive.9?fref=ts Jen­rick sup­ports not only by giv­ing money, but also by dis­trib­ut­ing WakaWa­kas to the chil­dren of Soweto. Most of these chil­dren live in homes without any adult su­per­vi­sion and have no ac­cess to elec­tri­city or face reg­u­lar black­outs. The ef­fects of this poverty are enorm­ous. Lack­ing light severely re­duces the qual­ity of life and chil­dren are not able to study. Ker­osene lamps are widely used for light­ing, yet they are very in­ef­fi­cient, dan­ger­ous and ex­pens­ive, and have ex­tens­ive health and en­vir­on­ment­al draw­backs. By sup­port­ing these two pro­jects Jen­rick helps in provid­ing a solu­tion to this prob­lem.