Delmas 49

J/P HRO helps man­age a primary school for 250 stu­dents k – 6 in the Del­mas area of Port-au-Prince. The school staff no­ticed that many stu­dents wouldn’t have have their home­work com­pleted the next day, due to the lack of elec­tri­city and thus light. This is­sue is tar­get­ing by im­ple­ment­ing a sol­ar light home­work ini­ti­at­ive. The idea is that the lights func­tion as school prop­erty. They charge on the se­cured rooftop all day and then the stu­dents bring them home at night to do their home­work and stud­ies. The stu­dents then bring them back the next day to re­charge again. J/P HRO has de­veloped a small agree­ment between the par­ents, stu­dents and school, that if the lights are des­troyed, lost or stolen that there is a small fee to re­place it. This is to be paid to the school, not J/P HRO with the sole pur­pose of re­pla­cing the light. The stu­dents at­tend 1st grade to 6th grade. All of the stu­dents were res­id­ents of the Pet­tion­ville Club Camp. The school has now moved to a new loc­a­tion in Del­mas 49.
This pro­ject works on trust, re­spons­ib­il­ity, re­spect for the school and it’s prop­erty. The fo­cus is to build on some key as­pects of so­cial de­vel­op­ment that are so im­port­ant for young chil­dren. This pro­ject has the ul­ti­mate aca­dem­ic goal of im­prov­ing com­pre­hen­sion and re­ten­tion of aca­dem­ic skills through in­creased abil­ity to study and read at home.