Cooperatives in Rwanda 2017

In Rwanda WakaWaka col­lab­or­ates with co­oper­at­ives and sav­ing groups by mak­ing WakaWaka Powers avail­able in off-grid areas through a sim­il­ar sys­tem as the Pay-As-You-Go sys­tem used for in­di­vidu­al sales. The co­oper­at­ive or sav­ings groups pur­chases a lar­ger amount of WakaWaka’s and dis­trib­utes these among its mem­bers or em­ploy­ees. Even though the WakaWaka’s are paid off with­in 3 to 6 months through mul­tiple in­stal­ments, they can im­me­di­ately be used!