
Ar­menia is a vil­lage that is largely in­hab­ited by people who fled the civil un­rest in Guatem­ala dur­ing the early 1980’s. Primar­ily a farm­ing vil­lage, Ar­meni­ans are warm and won­der­ful people, hard work­ing people.
The smiles were con­ta­gious as the moth­ers re­ceived their lights, know­ing that their chil­dren would no longer be forced to study by hot and flam­mable ker­osene lamps.The dis­tri­bu­tion moved quickly as each fam­ily had the op­por­tun­ity to come for­ward and re­ceive their light. Many had words of thanks for those re­spons­ible for fund­ing this life chan­ging pro­ject.
Res­pir­at­ory Ill­ness is the num­ber one cause of death in chil­dren un­der the age of 5 in these re­mote areas. Nearly 1000 people die every day be­cause of ker­osene be­ing used for house­hold light­ing. From now on, people of the Vil­lage of Ar­menia will not be among those stat­ist­ics.
The fol­low­ing morn­ing the Vil­lage Chair­man con­tac­ted the Grid Earth Pro­ject team to re­port how very happy he and his vil­lage were with their new lights. He was thrilled with amount of light they put off and the fact that they cre­ated no heat.