Share the Sun in Nigeria

From Brazil to Indonesia and beyond, the WakaWaka Base has been hugely popular with our Agents of Light. The WakaWaka Base 10 sold out within two weeks of hitting the market!

Normally when you purchase a WakaWaka you get a code that you can use to send your donated WakaWaka light to a family caught in crisis and living without access to electricity. For the Base launch, we switched things up a bit and asked our Agents of Light community to decide on a project that would receive the donated WakaWakas. We are thrilled to announce that the Base donations will be going to our partner, The International Rescue Committee, for use in projects serving Nigerian women and girls.

In northeastern Ni­ger­ia 1.4 mil­lion people have fled their homes be­cause of at­tacks by mil­it­ant groups. This crisis cap­tured the world’s at­ten­tion after the mil­it­ant group Boko Haram kid­napped 200 schoolgirls. The In­ter­na­tion­al Res­cue Com­mit­tee is provid­ing emer­gency sup­port to thou­sands of dis­placed Ni­geri­ans who have fled the vi­ol­ent in­sur­gency. WakaWaka lights are used in pro­jects to help provide women and girls in temporary shelters with light, safety and security after the sun goes down.

Thank you, Agents of Light, for your tremendous support!