5000 WakaWaka’s voor Nepal

Loc­al NGO’s have sent WakaWa­kas ur­gent pleas for help be­cause large parts of the coun­try have been plunged in­to dark­ness with no access to electricty or phone lines. WakaWakas are essential for survivors to stay safe at night and for aid workers to stay connected. We are mobilizing resources to get more solar lights and phone chargers to Nepal. 

But we need your help to do more. You can donate WakaWakas directly to the WakaWaka Foundation. A WakaWaka Light enables a family to safely see, study, move about, cook, read and gather after the sun goes down. 

Evryone who buys a WakaWaka Power or WakaWaka Light this campaign will donate their WakaWaka to the Nepal Earthquake Response because it is so important that we get WakaWakas on the ground as soon as possible. You can buy a WakaWaka Power or WakaWaka Light today and we’ll donate a WakaWaka Light for you. Buy one = give one.

“People are gathered in their thousands in open spaces,” says Cecilia Keizer, director of Oxfam in Nepal. With phone lines down and electricity cut off, communications are very difficult, she reports.

Nepal is already suf­fer­ing every­day be­cause of the rampant en­ergy poverty; over 60% of the coun­try does not have ac­cess to elec­tri­city. WakaWa­kas will have a last­ing im­pact on the lives of Nepali fam­il­ies.